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A Quantum Theory of Microvita

editor: Frank van den Bovenkamp


Understanding Quantum Field Theory in the light of P.R. Sarkar's microvita science

..Arguably, microvita theory is more complete and intuitionally more fulfilling, whereas QFT has been extremely succesful in practical applications. Their combined strength and benefits might help address a lot of problems in society in a much nicer way than anticipated otherwise

If you set out to study Quantum Field Theory (QFT) somewhat seriously, you may at a certain point feel slightly befooled.. perhaps just so that quantum physicists can perpetuate their pet occupation consuming your taxpayer money and in the mean time strip you from everything you thought sacred..?

Nothing is farther from the truth. Fact is though, it seems impossible to get an introduction into the field (pun intended), without from the onset having to deal with terminology solely stemming from, and solely referring to that very same field. In other words, there seems to be no true introduction at all - it's like jumping into the pool without testing the water.

That is true in a sense, however it's definitely not the result of a conspiracy, but the very nature of the subject. The function of QFT is not to directly describe physical phenomena, but to identify underlying causes. In other words, whereas for example Newtonian mechanics describes the interactions of solid objects or hydrodynamics describes the behaviour of fluids, QFT describes nothing objective in the absolute sense, not even fields ultimately.

Simply put, in QFT an elementary particle such as for example a photon, is not described by a theory, essentially it IS a theory. More precisely, it is a "gauge theory".

Now if you ask ten physicists what is a gauge theory, you'll get ten different answers. That is, at least, you get ten times a different emphasis based on the same, presumably correct concept.

In most simple terms, a gauge theory is a theory of knowing, a "knowing principle" or principal knowing format, and one could say, that which is known is symmetry. In a sense, the existence of symmetry in nature implies that which can be known. Out of this, quantum fields (which are force fields) emerge, and, through what is called "second quantization", particles.

As there is a limited number of particle types, there is a limited number of "knowing principles", or symmetries for that matter. So the obvious question is: what is meant with symmetry, and how can it be known?

Symmetry means that physical laws remain unchanged under certain transformations in time and space. This is called "gauge invariance". This condition then implies or constitutes a consistent field of some kind or another, and this is called a gauge field. A well known gauge field is the electromagnetic field, and thus the latter represents a particular type of symmetry in time and space. Practically it means for example that electrodynamics works the same in every orientation in space. If for the sake of argument a symmetry is not consistent, then simply there would be no nothing to know.

As there are various types of fields and particles, there are various types of symmetries, categorised in symmetry groups, called Standard Unitary (SU) groups. All known fields and particles are formed purely out of these SU groups. The overarching theory of all symmetry groups together is called Yang Mills theory, forming the foundation of QFT.

The concept of "gauge invariance" is more fundamental than what is typically described in terms of time and space. The way it is defined in QFT, is that the so called "Lagrangian action" remains unchanged under a transforming gauge. The Lagrangian (definition of) e.g. a field or particle does not describe its more common evolution in time and space, but quite the opposite, that is, its sum total equilibrium independent from time and space.

In other words, if a (Lagrangian) equilibrium remains unchanged under certain, specific time and / or space transformations, then this constitutes a known or knowable field or particle or other quantum state.

The more commonly known transformation of a (quantum or classical) state in time and space is called the Hamiltonian, which is expressed in terms of energy.

In summary, we have a gauge field which represents a knowing principle, and a Lagrangian action which represents equilibrium. These are exactly the two key faculties or "Purusa states" in P.R. Sarkar's microvita theory, namely, "Jina Purusa" or Knowing Principle and Krta Purusa or Actional Principle. The latter, according to Sarkar, is the concentrated form of microvita, maintaining equilibrium throughout the macrocosm.

Currently there are certain challenges in QFT. This includes gravity (i.e. general relativity, the distortion of spacetime) and the so called mass gap problem. The latter is about proving whether Yang Mills theory could apply to nuclear interactions directly, rather than indirectly (through lattice approximations) as it is currently done. Some argue this is merely a mathematical concern, but it might in fact turn out to have important implications in physics just as well.

Sarkar's theory seems to be more complete than QFT, especially because the role of the Actional Principle is articulated in far greater detail. In other words, following microvita theory, the specialties of the Lagrangian action would have far more profound implications with respect to the formation of quantum fields. In particular it could lead to a real quantum theory of life, among many other possible applications in fields such as physics, chemistry, etc..

Thus microvita theory could help create a more complete, and more broadly applicable QFT.

Specifically, in QFT the Hamiltonian and Langrangian of a quantum system are exchangeable by means of the so called Legendre transform. The latter, viewed and expanded in the light of microvita theory, might constitute the so called "Four Chambers" cosmological model, relating the Knowing and Actional Faculties in a possibly more sophisticated way. Mathematically, the Lagrangian is the family of tangents of a function. In terms of spiritual philosophy, one could escape from the neverending cycles of physicality through a tangential force, to the realm outside time and space 1.

A first attempt to imply microvita theory in QFT is the synchronized path integral. The latter shows in great detail how a (Lagrangian) equilibrium is formed among synchronized subwaves. This yields, in a completely natural way (i.e. without manual intervention like currently in QFT) a plethora of quantum phenomena such as the Vacuum Expectation Value, the Goldstone mode (-boson), De Broglie - or matter waves, Hydrogen eigenstates (harmonic energy levels), and the 10 degrees of freedom in high- and low energy physics.

It is suggested that the latter, as they are literally emerging on the "silver lining between matter and abstract" correlates with the concept of "microvita" as expounded by P.R. Sarkar.

Conclusively, Quantum Field Theory and P.R. Sarkar's microvita theory (resp. - cosmology) could have far more in common than meets the eye at a first glance. In either case the introduction of loads of new terms, one by one crucial to understand the bigger picture, might discourage the more casual reader, while creating sublime challenges for theorists, experimentors and educators alike. Arguably, microvita theory is more complete and intuitionally more fulfilling, whereas QFT has been extremely successful in practical applications. Their combined strength and benefits might help address a lot of problems in society in a much nicer way 2 than anticipated otherwise.

1 - Hint at P.R. Sarkar's (Shrii Shrii Anandamurti's) remark: ".. those who aim at mokśa, where sádhaná is the complete surrender of self into That (Nirguńa Brahma, the Objectless Consciousness), get out of this Brahma Cakra by a tangential touch.." - 1 June 1959, Jamalpur, Discourses on Tantra Volume One
2 - Hint at P.R. Sarkar's remark: ".. there should be extensive research work regarding this microvitum or these microvita. Our task is gigantic and we are to start our research work regarding these microvita immediately without any further delay, otherwise many problems in modern society will not be solved in a nice way.." - 31 December 1986 RU, Calcutta, Microvitum in a Nutshell

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