The Secret of Sarkar's Sub-waves
• What is the difference between Quantum Physics' group wave and P.R. Sarkar's "sub-waves"?
• How are "major waves" formed?
• Can we count the number of microvita, and what is their effect in an atom? |
A quantum wave is almost always a group wave, with a local resonant bulge or spike ("wave packet"), which is associated with a particle. It is a purely physical principle, showing the probability of finding a particle at a given location.

Wave packet propagation. Source:
P.R. Sarkar's sub-waves, on the contrary, effectively carry the essence of life into the physical world, through a unitary bifurcative action. It is a synergetic or neg-entropic (pro-life, pro-mind) principle.

Sub-waves and their group effect in the context of unitary bifurcation
The group-wave in physics is the summation of its constituent waves. Sarkar's major wave voluntarily encircles or "gauges" the sub-waves, and is not caused by them - in a sense, the opposite is the case.
Each major wave cycle is thought to be associated with a discreet number of sub-wave cycles. Exactly 10 counts of (sub-wave) maxima / minima or 5 cycles is known in Sankhya philosophy to constitute a "Purusa-cycle", and does appear to have a certain physical advantage. On the other hand, non-integer counts cancel out and are therefore not bound to materialize.

Major wave, encircling one synchronized cycle of 10 counts
When, due to the gauge effect, sub-waves recursively spin back onto themselves, their group effect becomes sinusoidal and perpetual. Together with the major wave, this forms a 3-dimensional vortex related figure which in physics is known as a Dirac spinor, representing (the spin of) a fermion or matter particle (lepton, quark or neutrino).

Major wave, encircling 5 recursive synchronized cycles (linear ray picture)
Spinor visualized as a Möbius band. Source:
If a physical nucleus is created, the sub-waves appear fully bound and the major wave becomes a stationary matter-wave, the De Broglie phase wave, associated with the 1/2 spinor. The 3/2 spinor itself has no associated phase wave, and therefore no extended structure in space. This functions as the nucleus.

Orbital sub-waves and their group effect, resp. without and with recursion.
This indicates how, in Sarkar's terms,
the number of microvita stabilizes the major wave.
If the sub-waves
are both recursive (right image) and synchronized,
this represents
linear flow of expression ("nada"). The infininite sub-wave component (green) associates the
linear flow
the final, systaltic flow.
The major wave (De Broglie phase- or
matter wave)
is not shown here.
The higher the number of recursive cycles, the greater the amount of bifurcated action, and thus the greater the number of microvita. According to Sarkar this could run in the billions, adding a new, qualitative aspect to the chemical formula.
Sub-waves are super-luminal and represent "Krta Purusa" the Action Principle. Spin is a rotational symmetry, representing a point of view or "gauge". Therefore, "Jina Purusa" implies both Energy and the Knowing Principle.